Nurse with female patient taking blood pressure
Dr Charley Zheng

Dr Charley Zheng


Speciality: Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist

Passionate about reproductive medicine and high risk obstetric care, Dr Zheng feels closely connected to couples’ desire for children. While starting his own family and now raising three children of his own, he developed a deep understanding of the challenges and high emotion that’s attached to fertility, pregnancy, birth and the post-partum period. 

After obtaining his medical degree at The University of NSW, Dr Zheng went on to complete his specialist obstetrics training at the renowned Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. He took a special interest in high risk pregnancies and helped deliver healthy babies referred from all over Australia. Throughout his accomplished fertility career, Dr Zheng has built on his experience in advanced laparoscopy which has allowed him to assist hundreds of women with fertility issues including polyps, fibroids, endometriosis and hydrosalpinges. 

Dr Zheng is also highly qualified in analysing women’s specialist ultrasounds. This means he’s better equipped to help his patients make quick and appropriate decisions when it matters most. 

Due to his extensive training in all aspects of internal medicine, reproductive medicine, laparoscopic surgery, ultrasound and ongoing pregnancy care, Dr Zheng takes a comprehensive, holistic approach when caring for his patients. But while he’s focussed on the details he’s equally compassionate and approachable and finds great reward in helping women tackle even the most challenging fertility concerns and issues.

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